How Many kWh Does an Apartment Use Per Month?

How Many kWh Does an Apartment Use Per Month?

Find out the average kWh usage for apartments per month and per day, including factors that influence energy usage.
Written By:
Kendra Aquino
min read
Last Edited By:
Thad Warren
May 29, 2024

Electricity powers our daily lives, yet its consumption often remains a mystery. Understanding how much electricity your apartment uses each month is crucial.

This knowledge helps you identify high-consumption appliances, adopt smart strategies to reduce your bill, and ultimately save energy and money. Let's explore the average kWh usage for apartments and discover ways to optimize your consumption.

How many kWh of electricity do 1-bedroom and 2-bedroom apartments use per month?

Electricity usage in apartments can vary based on several factors, like the number of residents and the efficiency of appliances. On average, a 1-bedroom apartment uses about 750 kWh of electricity per month, while a 2-bedroom apartment typically uses between 700 to 1,000 kWh monthly. This range can be as broad as 500 to 1,500 kWh depending on various factors.

Here’s a quick reference for average usage:

  • 1-bedroom apartment: ~750 kWh/month
  • 2-bedroom apartment: ~700-1,000 kWh/month

A single person living in a smaller unit might use between 200-400 kWh per month. Specific energy costs also depend on electricity prices and whether the apartment has energy-efficient appliances and systems like smart thermostats and ENERGY STAR-rated devices. Air conditioning and water heaters are significant contributors to higher kWh usage. Managing these aspects can impact monthly electric bills and reduce the carbon footprint. Remember, these figures are averages and individual usage will vary.

What is the average electricity cost for a 1-bedroom apartment?

According to 2019 data, the typical monthly electricity bill was about $76.43. However, this amount can vary based on the apartment's size, insulation quality, and local utility rates. High-energy appliances like air conditioning, large refrigerators, and laundry machines can increase electricity bills.

Energy efficiency also plays a big role. Apartments with good insulation and energy-efficient features tend to have lower energy consumption and, therefore, lower bills. Here are some key factors that influence average electricity costs:

  • Size of the apartment
  • Local utility rates
  • Type and number of appliances
  • Insulation and energy efficiency

By adopting energy-saving measures like smart thermostats and appliances, residents can reduce their electricity bills. Keep in mind that these are average costs, which can fluctuate based on electricity rates, lifestyle, and energy usage patterns. For the most accurate and current rates, always check with your local electric company.

What is the average electricity cost for a 2-bedroom apartment?

The average electricity cost for a 2-bedroom apartment varies based on factors like local energy rates, climate, and appliance efficiency. Typically, these apartments consume between 700 to 1,000 kWh per month. For example, in Texas, the average monthly consumption is about 880 kWh, which translates to an electric bill of around $130 at a rate of 15 cents per kWh. However, heavy use of heating or air conditioning can significantly increase consumption, potentially reaching up to 2,000 kWh.

To keep electricity costs in check, residents should:

  • Regularly monitor their energy usage
  • Invest in ENERGY STAR-rated appliances
  • Consider installing smart thermostats

By being mindful of energy usage and adopting efficient practices, households can better manage their electric bills and reduce their carbon footprint, benefiting both their budgets and the environment.

How do you estimate apartment energy usage?

Estimating energy usage in an apartment involves looking at a few key factors. The size of your apartment and the number of people living in it play a big role in how much electricity you use. On average, a 2-bedroom apartment uses between 700 to 1,000 kWh per month, but this can go up with more residents and more use of electronics, lights, and appliances.

The efficiency of your appliances is also crucial. ENERGY STAR-rated appliances and other energy-efficient models can cut down electricity use a lot, while older, less efficient ones use more power and drive up costs. Personal habits, like how often you run the washing machine or use air conditioning, directly impact your electricity consumption.

Climate matters too; extreme temperatures can lead to higher use of heating or cooling systems. The age and design of your building affect insulation quality, which influences how much you need to control the temperature.

To get a more accurate estimate, think about conducting an audit of your electrical devices and reviewing past electric bills. Using a smart thermostat or other energy monitoring tools can also give you detailed insights into your energy use patterns.

What appliance uses the most electricity in an apartment?

The appliance that usually uses the most electricity in an apartment is the air conditioning (AC) system. How much energy your AC uses depends on the season, where you live, and your comfort preferences. In places with mild summers, AC usage might peak only during the hottest months. But in hot states like Arizona or Florida, AC can be a consistent contributor to higher electricity bills because it gets used more often.

While AC takes the top spot during warmer periods, electric heating systems are the big energy users in colder climates, running a lot to keep the apartment warm. In such regions, heating can rival or even surpass air conditioning as the biggest electricity-consuming appliance.

Heating and cooling usually make up the largest part of energy bills, significantly impacting overall energy use in an apartment. To manage and potentially cut these costs, consider using energy-efficient units and adopting smart usage patterns.

What factors affect my electricity costs in an apartment?

Understanding your electricity costs in an apartment goes beyond just checking your monthly bills. Several factors play a role in how much energy you use and how much you pay, including:

  • Square Footage and Amenities: The size of your apartment and amenities like air conditioning and dishwashers can greatly impact your electricity use.
  • Building Efficiency: The efficiency of your building, including good insulation and energy-smart appliances, can save you a lot on your energy bills.
  • Cost per kWh: The price per kilowatt-hour set by your electricity provider varies a lot between states and even within them. In deregulated markets, competition can lead to better rates. For example, in 2019, the average monthly electricity bill for a one-bedroom apartment was about $76.43, but this can change based on your apartment's size, energy efficiency, and utility rates.

Apartment Age

The age of your apartment complex matters a lot for energy use. Newer buildings often have modern, energy-efficient appliances, ENERGY STAR-rated windows, and high-quality insulation, which all help to optimize energy use. Older buildings might have less efficient insulation, single-pane windows, and outdated appliances that use more power, increasing both energy use and costs.

Number of Roommates

More roommates usually mean a higher electricity bill. More people mean more food stored and cooked, more use of the fridge and stove, and more lighting and electronic devices in use. The laundry machine and dishwasher will also run more often. So, living with roommates can lead to higher energy use and costs.


When you use electricity can also affect your bill. Providers often charge different rates for peak and off-peak hours. By shifting your usage to off-peak times for running high-energy-demand appliances, you can save a lot. Practicing energy-efficient habits, like regular maintenance of appliances, ensures they run efficiently and helps keep power consumption and costs down.

Electricity usage in apartments vs houses

Apartments usually use less electricity than houses, mostly because they're smaller and have the insulating benefit of shared walls. For example, in 2015, a single-family home in the South used about 15,819 kWh of electricity, while an apartment in a building with five or more units in the Northeast used only 4,120 kWh. This shows that apartments generally use less electricity than houses due to their size and energy efficiency.

When it comes to electricity costs, which can vary by region, people living in apartments often have lower energy bills. That's because apartments tend to use less energy thanks to their smaller size and shared infrastructure.

Several factors affect how much electricity an apartment uses, including the apartment's size, the building's age, the efficiency of appliances, and the residents' energy habits. Newer apartment buildings with energy-efficient designs and appliances usually have lower electricity usage, while older buildings tend to use more energy.

How to save on electricity in a 1-or 2-bedroom apartment

Electricity bills can be a big monthly expense for folks in 1- or 2-bedroom apartments, but there are a few ways to keep these costs down. Getting energy-efficient appliances, especially ones with the ENERGY STAR label, can save you a lot on your energy bills. Plus, modern apartments usually come with energy-efficient appliances and better insulation, which helps lower heating and cooling costs.

Sharing appliances with neighbors or family members is a great way to save energy. Simple actions like switching to LED bulbs, unplugging electronics when they're not in use, and making sure your home is well insulated can help cut down on electricity use. Plus, managing your thermostat wisely—setting it just right for the season—and fixing any issues with your heating or cooling systems can save you a lot. By adopting these strategies, you can save money and help the environment at the same time.


How many kWh per day is a normal apartment?

A typical apartment in the U.S. uses about 20-30 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per day. This can vary depending on the apartment's size, the number of people living there, and their usage habits. Things like heating, cooling, and the types of appliances used also play a big role in daily energy consumption.

How many kWh does a 2-bedroom apartment use in Texas?

In Texas, a 2-bedroom apartment usually uses between 1,000 to 1,500 kWh per month. This can vary based on how energy-efficient the apartment is, if there are energy-hungry appliances, and how much heating or air conditioning is used. On average, this works out to about 33-50 kWh per day.

How many kWh does it take to heat an apartment?

The amount of kWh needed to heat an apartment depends on several factors, including the apartment's size, insulation quality, the efficiency of the heating system, and the local climate. On average, heating an apartment can use about 3-5 kWh per hour for electric heating systems. Over a typical heating season, this can range from 500 to 1,500 kWh per month, depending on the outside temperature and how warm you want to keep it inside.