Kendra Aquino

Kendra is GridHacker's Content Manager. With years of experience in writing and editing, she excels at simplifying the intricate details of the energy industry.

Hey there! I'm Kendra Aquino, GridHacker's Content Manager. With years of experience in writing and editing, I specialize in breaking down the complexities of the energy industry.

I earned a dual Bachelor's degree in English and Sociology from Cornell College, which set the stage for my career in editorial and digital marketing. My passion lies in the energy sector, especially the deregulated energy markets in Texas. This dynamic field offers both challenges and opportunities, and I'm here to make it more understandable for you.

At GridHacker, my goal is to simplify intricate energy topics, helping you stay informed and make smart decisions. No fluff, just clear and concise information. Let me help you navigate the world of electricity rates and deregulated markets with confidence.