Green Mountain Energy

Green Mountain Energy Reviews & Plans

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We combine our user submitted reviews along with other reviews from Google, Facebook, Yelp, and the Public Utility Commission to grade providers.

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PUC Verified
License: #10009
PUC Report

GridHacker's Review:

Green Mountain Energy Customer Reviews

Reviews for Green Mountain Energy are pulled from various online sources including Google, Yelp, Facebook, and user submitted reviews.

Sergio Marron jr

Sergio Marron jr

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Good light company so far
March 14, 2024
Angela Williams

Angela Williams

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This company is a rip off... I go to work at 5 am everyday Monday through Friday I get home at 6:30 pm and I have $500 electric bill and they telling me my usage is higher. How when I'm not home. I believe they try to get what they can out of anyone and everyone because they can. Then they say it's average billing .. really! I will be finding another company once this contract is over.
March 14, 2024
Caridad Moreno

Caridad Moreno

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Green Mountain has been my provider since I moved here from Florida. Couldn’t ask for a better provider of service starting from the consistent service and customer service care they are the best company in Texas . My entire family has them. Don’t change Green Mountain we appreciate you so much!
March 13, 2024
Malu Go

Malu Go

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Excellent customer service. Quick time✅ no issues
March 12, 2024
Christopher M

Christopher M

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The best Energy provider. Customer service agents are better than TXwho. They provide complementary gifts and alternative payments, payment options and even cater to people with hardship. Good job GME 👍👍👍
March 7, 2024
Jose T

Jose T

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Worst electric company to have they will take your money they give me a nest thermostat with my plan so they can randomly turn the ac on and run your bill 400 bill for 2 bedroom apt when will never home most the time and to cancel is 395 Great !!!
March 7, 2024
Ronald Parry

Ronald Parry

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They provide clean renewable energy and excellent service.
March 4, 2024
Coco MW

Coco MW

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This company is TERRIBLE. The bill kept going up even though my usage kept going down. So I called their customer service to see what was going on, And they told me that the type of program I’m enrolled in calculate my usage from the last 12 months, averages it out and then charges that amount. Then they told me that my final bill at the end of my contract was going to be $248.59!!! 😡 I asked them why and they said it comes back to the 12 months averaging policy, and Cancellation fee for my contract. I let them know that I’m not canceling my contract early. I’m seeing it through to the end, then letting the contract end on the contracted date. Then The representative, let me know that there are fees worked in for not renewing my contract! 😡 DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY. They are CROOKS that steal from you.
March 2, 2024
Rebecca Cabler

Rebecca Cabler

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In Detroit area if you want a good electric company go with Green Mountain Energy they are fair reasonably priced.
February 28, 2024
John Doe

John Doe

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As a long-time customer of over 10 years, I was always satisfied and supportive of this company until this year. When my plan expired, the only choices they gave me were 19 cents per Kwh for a 3 year commitment, or other, even worse plans. This represents a huge increase from last year's plan, and is FAR more expensive than rates offered to new customers. I will no longer promote this company, and will move to another provider as soon as possible. Their phony "we care about our customers and the planet earth" memes are a joke. It's all about the profits.
February 28, 2024
Annie Greer

Annie Greer

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Thier always helpful and professional. Work with me when I need more time.
February 27, 2024
King Kennedy

King Kennedy

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So far so good 👍
February 26, 2024
Betty Ann Rivera

Betty Ann Rivera

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Great customer service. I've been a customer for over 8 years.
February 25, 2024
Flor Rodriguez

Flor Rodriguez

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Me ayudaron a pagar mi factura en dos plazos
February 25, 2024
Angie Turner

Angie Turner

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They will work with you any problem you may have
February 23, 2024
nlynn. boyd

nlynn. boyd

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I have been with Green Mountain since 2019. My current contract is getting ready to expire and it took me two years to realize the plan that they recommended and I accepted was for a home using 2000 kilowatts. I live in a one bedroom apartment. Green Mountain energy no longer offers any plans with less than 2000 Kilowatts. They do not explain that to you because if you don't use 2000 kilowatts then they charge you more than the rate they are selling you. So you are punished by paying higher prices which is what they're looking for. I will not be renewing my services with Green Mountain and I have found a better company that actually did explain all those things that I expected from Green Mountain but did not get. They are not interested in anyone who rents an apartment. So those who do be wary this plan is not for you and I would go elsewhere. There are too many companies out there that do accommodate apartment dwellers and they use green energy!
February 23, 2024
Carrin Whitehead

Carrin Whitehead

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Wasn't with y'all a week maybe week and half the most. And y'all telling me we already had a bill of 4 something. No way in hell.......
February 23, 2024
LulusPlannerlife Gmz

LulusPlannerlife Gmz

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Great customer service and really listen to my concerns with my light bill.
February 22, 2024
Jenn Hoggs

Jenn Hoggs

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Carlos at the chat line was so greatful and patience... I did my 3 close to renew contract and I'm happy with his assistance
February 22, 2024
Deepak Gupta

Deepak Gupta

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The staff member was kind and patient. They addressed my needs and efficiently handled the matter. Wonderful chat service.
February 21, 2024
Mental House Inc

Mental House Inc

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I've been with green mountain for over 10 years My bill has always been good no more the $300.00 a month, but their supervisor who's from India apparently told me that my bill was over $700.00 because of my ac/heater was bad even though I just put a new one in last year and that in one week I used over 200kilowatz a day for one week when my average kilowatts is 20-30 a day. I told him that's not right he told me I can do a payment plan and kept assisting that it's not green mountains fault. Sorry green mountain you lost a customer I'm done
February 17, 2024
Gretchen Bratt

Gretchen Bratt

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Amazing Service!!
February 16, 2024
Barkowsky Hamilton

Barkowsky Hamilton

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I’m trying to see why my light bill is so high when I have no unit that work! My light bill is almost 300 dollars when I don’t even use lights that much! This is ridiculous
February 15, 2024


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I have been a customer with Green Mountain Energy for about six years. To me, this is the best energy company you can go with. My energy bills are not outrageous like other energy companies. Green Mountain Energy also has the best customer service out there.
February 14, 2024
Monica Ramirez

Monica Ramirez

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So far so good
February 14, 2024
Teresa “Terri” Almanza

Teresa “Terri” Almanza

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My electric bill came out very high this month. $230.14. I didn't know how I was going to pay it. But where there's a will, there's a way. Hopefully it won't get as cold as it did last month. Because staying warm isn't cheap. But I love this company. So I give it 5 stars.
February 13, 2024
Jarvis Jones

Jarvis Jones

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Energy bill to high and I don't have appliances plugged up or nothing yet
February 13, 2024
Chelsy Stevenson Cobb

Chelsy Stevenson Cobb

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Excellent Customer service! Always so helpful. The "chat" feature actually works and they can help with a multitude of issues via the "chat". so convenient!
February 12, 2024
Tim Bell

Tim Bell

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excellent great very helpful
February 11, 2024


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Watch OUT for this company!!!! They took my social security number to start fraudulent charges on my credit! They claim they only need one type of identity to open an account. The name, address, NOTHING matches my SS # would have never known if not for credit Karma sending me an email. BEWARE !!!!! Yes, police report on file !!!!!!
February 9, 2024
Kenneth Kiefer

Kenneth Kiefer

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Always good to work with you on your bill and price that is competitive with the millions of different power companies in Texas 🇨🇱
February 8, 2024
Don Miller

Don Miller

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Only a 1 month review as of now but no complaints this far.
February 8, 2024
Plan B Remodeling Systems

Plan B Remodeling Systems

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Easy and great electric plans.
February 7, 2024
Jelisa Mccardell (Madam JujuBae)

Jelisa Mccardell (Madam JujuBae)

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Is a great electric company great customer service and get to the point about your electric service when needed thanks green mountain energy and to the representative I chatted with Omar help me great Job 👍
February 7, 2024
Leslie Carlor

Leslie Carlor

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CUSTOMER: SIA PORTER ACCOUNT NUMBER: 758375**-* WARNING! WARNING! RIP-OFF ALERT! GREEN MOUNTAIN ENERGY, DALLAS, TEXAS: Green Mountain Energy; I will do my best to be as honest as possible. I will provide all (communications), receipts to this medium if need be. So, we relocated to Texas in May of 2023, my Wife (Sia Porter), and I. Our leasing Company told us that we needed an Energy Company prior to moving in and recommended Green Mountain Energy. My Wife (Sia Porter), signed up without further question or hesitation, because we trusted their recommendation since we were coming from out of State. Anyways! I first came to assess the place and was in the apartment for two weeks. I left the house at 6:30am to be at work at 7:am; and worked from 7:am to 5pm, Monday through Friday and was off on the weekend. Note! There was no TV in the Apartment at the time because we had not moved in. Sia and the kids were still in Illinois. It was just me, the Microwave, and Refrigerator. I unplugged the Microwave when I was gone and only plugged it back in when i was at home; that goes for my cell phone Charger as well, so it's not like i left the electronics plugged in all day while i was away from home. So long story short; our first Month bill came, and for those two weeks, it was $127.00. Now bear in mind; it was just me by myself and i wasn't even home all day for most of those days. Whenever i was home—i only had the fan on if I had to because the trees provided the much needed shades without a need for an air condition. And since it was in the month of May, the fan cooled the place nicely. The same measures were taken as it relates to the lights; i only had the lights on when i needed to and turned it off whenever there was no need for it—clearly, i was conscious of saving electricity. Two weeks later; my wife (Sia Porter), and the kids, all joined me, now a family of 4, my wife and our two young ones, ages 3 and 6 respectively. So; it's June and the Hot weather was upon us, we started using the air condition to cool the house. The following month, our bill came up to $381. I'm thinking—ok, it's Summer time and usually Electricity goes up due to Air condition usage and should go back down after the Summer. Yea ok, Joke was on me for thinking like a rational Being. Because our bill did the exact opposite! So; we got a washer and Dryer shortly after that, which we only used (once a week), on Saturday. That was all it took for Green Mountain Energy to exponentially increase our light bill. The Summer came and went and our bill, climbed up to $481. The following month's bill came and skyrocketed to $602. That was the last straw for us. Finally—we got frustrated and said enough is enough and so we did our research and found a better Energy Company. We (cleared), paid our electric bill with Green Mountain Energy on January 11th and switched to a different Energy Company on January 13th, which is two days in between. At the end of January; we got a (letter), light bill from Green Mountain Energy for $297.44; $300 practically, and a separate charge for an additional $300 for early termination, $600 in total. When we called them up to ask why the $300 bill? They said that "the bill was already generated". So they literally charged us $300 for two days. I could only make a conjecture that this was done out of spite. Only because we had enough of this rip-off. They told us, "well, there is a number to call". And when we called that number, they did nothing. I'm thinking to myself, where's the integrity? Like, these people have no moral clarity whatsoever. If you're looking for a good Energy Company, I would advise you to stay far away from Green Mountain Energy. Unless of course, you want to end up in Sia and i shoes. I repeat, stay far far away from Green Mountain Energy. RUN! They're not good to us and so I don't see any reason why they'd be of any good to you. If we could give them a zero star we would have. GREEN MOUNTAIN ENERGY—NO BUENO. Ne pas bon.
February 6, 2024
D richardson

D richardson

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Green Mountain always make sure customers have the assistance they need. Been with them for years
February 2, 2024
Exotic Nirvana

Exotic Nirvana

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Don't get this company I've been with this company for a month and they have managed to charge us 600 dollars! I canceled it today!
February 2, 2024
Mable Davis

Mable Davis

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It's been good!
February 1, 2024
Bb Ww

Bb Ww

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The best service ever. My electricity bill is less than I ever had with other companies. I am sold on Green Mountain Renewable Energy!
January 31, 2024
Yaz López

Yaz López

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Me gusta la atención que dan
January 31, 2024
Steven Neighbors

Steven Neighbors

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Green mountain is complete garbage. There’s not a way to leave negative stars or I would. Their rates are too so high. I moved from an apartment and told them to cut off the electricity from my old apartment and they never did. DONT USE GREEN MOUNTAIN!! Was better when it was bulb
January 30, 2024
Legit Almighty

Legit Almighty

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Was with this company for over 5+ years no problems but ever since this major inflation this company has demonstrated pure selfishness! One late payment they give you a couple weeks tops to pay it or they turn off your power with no regard for your good history or anything people all over the world are struggling with the continuous rising prices on everything but to turn off the power while your family lives in a 105+ weather state is cold! over ONE late payment they don’t call you to give you an option for payment plan or anything……reliant energy is my next move definitely! Update* This company should be investigated seriously! Went from paying 120 a month for 2 bed apartment to now paying 400!!!!!!! Hell no do NOT GO TO THIS COMPANY THEY LIE AND RISE PRICES !!!!!!!
January 30, 2024
Dan Nolan

Dan Nolan

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Very easy to set up over the phone. So far, we are very pleased with Green Mountain.
January 30, 2024


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Great service and plans.
January 30, 2024
Wendy Bloomfield

Wendy Bloomfield

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I have been using clean green mountain energy for years. Great company. Great app. Give them a try!
January 29, 2024
Terersa M DE Jesus

Terersa M DE Jesus

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I use green mountain for 7 years, and know i have a new home i when back with green mountain, i appreciate all the help we add problems in getting the light on but with 5 0r 6 times with call after one week i got the power on , thank you DE Jesus
January 29, 2024
Tracy Nickleson

Tracy Nickleson

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They are very professional at all times. Answers your questions or they will find someone to help. They will help you with your bill how you can save an keep your light bill down. They offered me a plan to help with my bill. I been with them for 8 years. The best 🙂
January 26, 2024
Jakobie Howe

Jakobie Howe

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I moved and called to let them know I no longer needed their service. Was told everything was taken care on would have no fees for canceling since I was moving. Now 4 months later I receive a call saying I owe money. I never received a call, email, or mail before this.
January 25, 2024
Justino Rincon

Justino Rincon

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Been with them for years and saved a lot of money
January 24, 2024
Sheila A

Sheila A

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I have had an electricity plan with Green Mountain for 5 years now but this is getting unbearable. Somebody sensibly explain to me how a bill for a 1 bedroom apartment goes from $102, to $146 to $189 in a span of 2 months yet usage is still the same? When you try to get out of their plan, they want to charge you an extra $200?? Insanity. Never ever have you guys offered any customer services to your clients, just estimating usage and exxagerating electric bills!! Terrible. I want out ASAP!!!
January 23, 2024


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This Company only gets one star because I had to give it to them to write my review. Customer service lied on the amount we would pay per kilowatt hour now our bill is higher than it’s ever been with any other company. Customer service should never be allowed to collect a commission to sell utilities because this is what happens. However, in dealing with customer service today, we found out this is exactly what happens. They receive commission for new contracts. The representative admittedly said they will give you as little detail as possible in to get you to sign up. When we try to resolve the issue of why the price is so much different than what was originally agreed on. He just tried to sell us new plans when we would not bite And get a new plan he said that it will take up to two billing cycles for management to review the calls that we made when we originally set up the plan to see what was offered. He then admitted to the fact that we were duped we haven’t recorded ourselves. he also said this was the catch of doing the free night plan and then quickly corrected himself and his wording. They told us we would be charged 16.8 cents per kilowatt hour but we’re being charged over $.23 per kilowatt hour. I have never seen an encore delivery charge of this magnitude as well.
January 23, 2024
Trish Daffron

Trish Daffron

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This is not a good company. I wish I had gone with someone else but when we moved into the apartment they recommended them. Won’t use them much longer
January 23, 2024
Maria Valdez

Maria Valdez

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Been with green mountain energy for six years .
January 22, 2024
SCT Cooper

SCT Cooper

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The agent was extremely courteous and meant to be helpful. However, I really hate talking with customer service agents with accents, especially heavy accents. Most customers would probably agree with me. Conversations with agents with accents take twice as long because communication is difficult. This is not good business and a waste of my time.
January 21, 2024
gilbert gutierrez

gilbert gutierrez

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Was deceived by salesperson, Jennifer. Told me I'd be paying $0.13/kilowatt hr, when in fact I'm being charged $0.19/kilowatt hr. 1
January 21, 2024
Shi Zhong Zhang

Shi Zhong Zhang

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Very good.
January 18, 2024
Erica Stanford

Erica Stanford

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I've been with Green mountain a few months now and have had no issues. I appreciate the free nights option and use it to my advantage . Our electric bills are at the lowest they've ever been, and we can see a projection of what the bill might be on a 3 day update basis. We can see our highest use days, can pay the bill easily and we know exactly when it's due and when the bill will arrive. Overall great experiences so far
January 17, 2024
ruby zamora

ruby zamora

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Green Mountain never had an issues, affordable with great service
January 17, 2024
Braden Herman

Braden Herman

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I was persistently called about renewing my contract, but I kept denying since I was moving away at the end of my contract. I explicitly stated that I did not want to renew and was moving out at the termination of my contract. Once my contract expired, I paid the final bill and assumed that was the end of things, only to receive an email several weeks later showing me how much I would be paying for the next month, despite not living there. I called customer service and explained that I had not signed up or given consent for another contract and hadn't received any documents stating that I was enrolled in another contract. I was told that since I did not explicitly go through the electricity shut off process over the phone and merely stated that "I was moving and would not renew" that I have been enrolled automatically in another contract without my knowledge or signed consent. So now I will be paying for a month of someone else's electricity that I just happened to catch in an email. Congratulations to whoever is getting free electricity for a month, but this experience been very disappointing and deceiving. The electricity service was good, just be aware of what you're getting yourself into.
January 17, 2024
Ladii Anonymous

Ladii Anonymous

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Used to be the perfect company until its time to be forced to switch plans. They overcharge and Im beginning to believe the “free nights” is a scam and aren’t free at all because I only turn my air on in a two bedroom apt and my light bill amounts to 200-300 easy. Avoid this company at all costs. They will bait and switch.
January 16, 2024
Bill Wilson

Bill Wilson

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GME is flexible about whether I want automatic billing. Good for most customers but not for me.
January 13, 2024
Jessie Love

Jessie Love

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Worst energy company I’ve ever had. They were charging me 300-$400 in winter when I was barely at home. I switched to 4 Change Energy, and my current utility bill is $$100!
January 13, 2024
vinay kumar

vinay kumar

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I wish they have negative stars,.... These guys will simply loot your money... Please I request not to use this service... The average Billing is a scam... All nighter is a scam.. be careful... I live in a small single bed apartment very average to low usage of electricity... Still I get $300 plus bill
January 12, 2024
Richard Melaun

Richard Melaun

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Green energy at a competitive price and no customer service issues. I like the weekly kW usage report and the easy to navigate website. If you want to reduce your carbon footprint, I recommend Green Mountain.
January 10, 2024
Vicious Beauty

Vicious Beauty

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The oncor energy delivery charges are just as high as or pretty close to the actual energy usage. This company has so many fees, it’s ridiculous. They should be investigated tbh. I’ve been quoted and given the incorrect info regarding plans so many times. I’m currently locked into a contract on a plan that is completely different than what I was quoted.
January 10, 2024
April Roppolo

April Roppolo

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Love the service and haven't had a problem that couldn't be handled timely.
January 6, 2024
Lorenzo Winnett

Lorenzo Winnett

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They are an excellent electric company to be with and I will not change to another one any time soon.
January 6, 2024
Cierra Russell

Cierra Russell

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I do not recommend this company. This will be the third month that I have been using this company and I have not gotten a bill yet. Which is very inconvenient!!!
January 5, 2024

Our Research

Our mission is to provide accurate and helpful data and content to help you make an informed decision when comparing energy providers.

How we rate providers

Plans and Rates: 

We review all available plans from every licensed energy provider. Then we rank the lowest available rate from each provider. Providers then receive a rating based on what percentile their lowest plan ranks.

For example, Provider A has the 3rd lowest-priced plan, while Provider B has the 45th lowest-priced plan out of 46 providers who submitted plans to PUC. Provider A will have a rating of 5, while Provider B will have a rating of 1.

Customer Service:

We scrape online reviews from Google, Yelp, BBB, and Trust Pilot to determine what customers are saying about the provider. The rating reflects the aggregate of all online reviews.

Renewable Options:

The rating system is based on the availability of renewable energy options. A 5-star rating is awarded to entities that offer a fully renewable option, signifying 100% renewable energy usage. A 4-star rating is given to those that provide a mix of energy sources, with more than 50% coming from renewable sources. Entities with renewable energy options exceeding the state average of 31.1% receive a 3-star rating, while those offering less than 31.1% renewable options are rated with 2 stars. Lastly, a 1-star rating is assigned to those with no renewable energy options, indicating a lack of commitment to sustainable energy practices.

PUC Rating:

The Public Utility Commission publishes a rating for each provider based on the number of formal complaints filed against the provider in comparison to how many customers they have.

For example, a provider with 10 formal complaints out of 10,000 customers would have a 1-star rating whereas a provider with 10 complaints and 1,000,000 customers would have a 5-star rating.

GridHacker Rating:

The GridHacker rating uses a weighted average that prioritizes rates and customer service over renewable options and PUC rating. We do this because we feel that for most customers price and service are the two most important factors when they are shopping for an electricity plan.

Frequently Asked Questions about Green Mountain Energy

A good price per kWh in Texas typically ranges from 9 to 13 cents, depending on various factors such as the type of plan, market conditions, and location. Fixed-rate plans offer stable pricing, while variable-rate plans can fluctuate. It's important to compare different plans and providers to find the best rate for your energy needs. Using GridHacker, you can easily compare and enroll in plans from top providers directly on our website to ensure you're getting a competitive rate.

Texas electricity rates are determined by several factors:

  1. Production Costs: The cost of producing electricity, including fuel prices and power plant operations, affects the rates.
  2. TDU Fees: Transmission and Distribution Utility (TDU) fees are charged for delivering electricity from power plants to homes. These fees vary by location and are added to your bill.
  3. Energy Market: Electricity rates fluctuate based on supply and demand in the energy market. High demand can drive prices up, while low demand can lower prices.
  4. Company Pricing: Each electricity provider sets its own prices, leading to competitive and sometimes confusing rates. Providers offer different plans with various rates and terms.

Understanding these components helps explain why electricity prices can vary and how you can find the best plan for your needs. With GridHacker, you can easily compare and enroll in plans from different providers right on our website.