Electric Bill Assistance Texas: Programs for Utilities Support

Electric Bill Assistance Texas: Programs for Utilities Support

Programs for electric bill assistance Texas can be confusing and hard to navigate. They shouldn’t be. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of resources to help.
Written By:
Jordan Watts
min read
Last Edited By:
Thad Warren
February 4, 2025

If you’ve ever spent a summer in Texas, you understand how critical it is to keep the power on. You might literally melt in the heat without AC. However, with the rapidly increasing cost of living it’s not uncommon for folks to find themselves in a bind with the utility bill.

To help alleviate the financial pressure, Texans have access to a number of programs for electric bill assistance. These programs aim to support qualified customers, whether you need momentary help to keep your power turned on or payment extensions to get back on your feet, resources are available to provide utility bill assistance in Texas.

When Providers can Disconnect Utilities

In Texas a utility company can disconnect a customer’s electricity or natural gas service after sending a written disconnection notice and waiting at least ten days. However, the disconnection date cannot be a weekend of holiday unless the utility company can take payments on that day.

Your utility provider can send a disconnection notice if you fail to pay without deferred payment plans, if you fail to comply with deferred payment plans, or you violate the rules of service.

If you receive notice of disconnection without reason or your power is shut off without notice you should contact the Texas Public Utilities Commission.

Disconnection Prevention

To prevent disconnection of your utility services, it’s crucial to stay in touch with your utility provider and explore the available options. If you’re experiencing financial difficulties, you may qualify for a deferred payment plan or payment extensions. These programs are designed to help you manage your energy bills more effectively and avoid disconnection.

Additionally, some utility providers offer emergency assistance programs that can provide temporary financial assistance to help you pay your energy bills. By taking advantage of these resources, you can ensure that your power stays on even during tough times.

Government Assistance for Energy Bills

If you’re seeking eclectic bill assistance in Texas, there are a number of federal and state-level programs available to provide relief, based on annual household income. Eligibility for many of these programs is determined based on the federal poverty guidelines. Organizations like 2-1-1

Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP)

The Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP), also known as the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP), is a federal program that provides assistance to homes seeking help with utility bill payments. Your eligibility for LIEAP is determined by household size and income. Apply online here.

While the program can help with a number of utilities, it focuses primarily on heating and cooling assistance to preserve the health and safety of Texans. LIEAP offers assistance with emergency or immediate energy needs, heating and cooling equipment upkeep and replacements, and improving household energy efficiency.

Texas Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP)

The Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) was designed to provide utility bill assistance in Texas. The program integrates directly with Texas’s LIEAP program to provide direct relief toward eligible energy expenses, as well as encourage households to control energy expenses for years to come through proper education.

Eligibility for CEAP is determined based on the federal poverty guidelines. If your household qualifies for Supplemental Security Income (SSI), SNAP or food stamps, or other government assistance programs, you may qualify. Apply online for assistance here.

Weatherization Assistance Program

The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) is a federally funded program that helps low-income households improve your energy efficiency. By reducing energy costs, the program hopes to improve health and safety while spreading education about best practices to reduce energy bills.

Unlike other federally funded programs, this is not a utility assistance program. Instead, WAP helps to provide eligible customers with upgrades and repairs for insulation, heating and cooling equipment, water heaters, weatherstripping materials for windows and doors, and more.

Local Financial Assistance

To find more localized financial assistance in Texas, you can use the 2-1-1 Texas website or helpline to find resources in your zipcode. The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs also maintains a Utility Bill Payment Help program to find local assistance.

You can also contact your energy provider directly to inquire about deferred payment plans and deferred balance options. Additionally, the Texas Public Utility Commission has implemented a variety of measures to prevent service disconnections, especially during extreme weather conditions.  

Qualifying for Payment Assistance Programs

The majority of utility assistance programs in Texas are administered by local agencies that have their own rules about who is eligible. If you’re seeking financial assistance for your energy bills you should consult directly with a member of that agency’s community affairs department.

Please know that it may take up to two billing cycles for benefits to go into effect.

How to Apply for Assistance

To apply for assistance, you should contact the local agency of your choice directly. National and statewide programs will have the option to apply online, by phone, or in person at your local agency. To qualify for assistance, you must submit documentation of financial need for at least one occupant of your household.

It is critical that you have a strong understanding of the criteria and application process in order to receive the financial support you need. Most programs through the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs offer paperwork and applications in both English and Spanish.

Eligibility is determined by the unique criteria set by the agency or program you apply for, so it may vary. Remember to periodically check in on your status to ensure you can redeem benefits in a timely fashion.

In order to receive the financial assistance you need to manage your utility bills in Texas it’s important that you remain proactive in seeking out help. Reach out to multiple resources for support and ensure that your household is energy-efficient whenever possible to reduce your electricity bill and financial pressure. You can also use our free rate comparison tool to find the cheapest available electricity plans for your household.