Discount Power

Discount Power Reviews & Plans

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Overall Rating

We combine our user submitted reviews along with other reviews from Google, Facebook, Yelp, and the Public Utility Commission to grade providers.

Plans and Rates
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GridHacker Rating:
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PUC Verified
License: #10177
PUC Report

GridHacker's Review:

Discount Power Customer Reviews

Reviews for Discount Power are pulled from various online sources including Google, Yelp, Facebook, and user submitted reviews.

Oswaldo Pereira

Oswaldo Pereira

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After my old electricity company "Texpo energy" shut down they sold my services to this company.. This happened on August 2023. Well I never received an invoice or monthly bill until January 2024 for the amount of $694. At this point I don't even have an idea that I'm with this company because I've never received a welcome letter or a notice on my mail or email explaining that they will be taking over my services. What I don't appreciate is the fact that when I called to complain about it the excuse was they had misspelled my email address which I think is their fault not mine. During the call I was never showed any kind of help from this company. It was until I called to cancelled my services that they offered me a lower rate which I didn't take. I wouldn't give my business to a company that is responsible for such mistake and then don't want to assume responsibilities for it and do me like this. Terrible experience.
February 23, 2024
JiMary Heggins

JiMary Heggins

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If I could give this energy company 0 ⭐️'s I would. We got switched here because the power company we were with went out of business and by the time we found out our bill was already $317 for one month with discount power! Smh we would have never chose DISCOUNT POWER!! Now we're locked into them and can't switch until we pay them off smh!! Can't wait to pay them off and be done. Rates are waaay to high. Runnn don't walk from here. However the customer service specialist are nice.. and that's all that's nice about them. This company 👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾
February 26, 2024
Jon Griffey

Jon Griffey

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terrible customer service. Moving my service as soon as my contract is up!
March 3, 2024
Kris K

Kris K

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Terrible customer service and account management.
February 29, 2024

Our Research

Our mission is to provide accurate and helpful data and content to help you make an informed decision when comparing energy providers.

How we rate providers

Plans and Rates: 

We review all available plans from every licensed energy provider. Then we rank the lowest available rate from each provider. Providers then receive a rating based on what percentile their lowest plan ranks.

For example, Provider A has the 3rd lowest-priced plan, while Provider B has the 45th lowest-priced plan out of 46 providers who submitted plans to PUC. Provider A will have a rating of 5, while Provider B will have a rating of 1.

Customer Service:

We scrape online reviews from Google, Yelp, BBB, and Trust Pilot to determine what customers are saying about the provider. The rating reflects the aggregate of all online reviews.

Renewable Options:

The rating system is based on the availability of renewable energy options. A 5-star rating is awarded to entities that offer a fully renewable option, signifying 100% renewable energy usage. A 4-star rating is given to those that provide a mix of energy sources, with more than 50% coming from renewable sources. Entities with renewable energy options exceeding the state average of 31.1% receive a 3-star rating, while those offering less than 31.1% renewable options are rated with 2 stars. Lastly, a 1-star rating is assigned to those with no renewable energy options, indicating a lack of commitment to sustainable energy practices.

PUC Rating:

The Public Utility Commission publishes a rating for each provider based on the number of formal complaints filed against the provider in comparison to how many customers they have.

For example, a provider with 10 formal complaints out of 10,000 customers would have a 1-star rating whereas a provider with 10 complaints and 1,000,000 customers would have a 5-star rating.

GridHacker Rating:

The GridHacker rating uses a weighted average that prioritizes rates and customer service over renewable options and PUC rating. We do this because we feel that for most customers price and service are the two most important factors when they are shopping for an electricity plan.

Frequently Asked Questions about Discount Power

A good price per kWh in Texas typically ranges from 9 to 13 cents, depending on various factors such as the type of plan, market conditions, and location. Fixed-rate plans offer stable pricing, while variable-rate plans can fluctuate. It's important to compare different plans and providers to find the best rate for your energy needs. Using GridHacker, you can easily compare and enroll in plans from top providers directly on our website to ensure you're getting a competitive rate.

Texas electricity rates are determined by several factors:

  1. Production Costs: The cost of producing electricity, including fuel prices and power plant operations, affects the rates.
  2. TDU Fees: Transmission and Distribution Utility (TDU) fees are charged for delivering electricity from power plants to homes. These fees vary by location and are added to your bill.
  3. Energy Market: Electricity rates fluctuate based on supply and demand in the energy market. High demand can drive prices up, while low demand can lower prices.
  4. Company Pricing: Each electricity provider sets its own prices, leading to competitive and sometimes confusing rates. Providers offer different plans with various rates and terms.

Understanding these components helps explain why electricity prices can vary and how you can find the best plan for your needs. With GridHacker, you can easily compare and enroll in plans from different providers right on our website.